About Us

Hello Mamas! 

My name is Samantha and I started Hello Mama Nutrition Consulting in 2020. My speciality is holistically guiding women on their pregnancy and postpartum journey. In 2021, I decided to start making wellness offerings that not only supported mamas and babies but also other small businesses. As many of you know, there has been a massive growth in skincare products that are specifically formulated towards mamas and babies. I know I know, what makes my product any different? Transparency and affordability. 

My herbs are either wild crafted or organically grown from several northern herb farms. I purchase the emu oil from a small farm in Montana and the tallow is locally purchased where the animals are raised on pastures, grass fed, and are never given antibiotics any other unnecessary medications or hormones. 

You will never find a preservative or an an essential oil in my product line. Both of these additives can have negative effects on the skin's microbiome. Staying close to nature is essential to keeping the body in balance with itself and that is exactly what you will find in my mama and baby products. 

Anyone can purchase herbs and oils to sell, however, do you know the sourcing of those materials? 

My goal is to provide mamas and babies with the highest quality but also making it affordable.